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SKU: 3890

Charioteer is a strategic racing game that plays in one hour.

Each player controls a chariot in the Circus Maximus of ancient Rome.

There's lots of action, and it happens quickly, with simultaneous move selection. It's not always clear who's winning the race.

Being in front of the pack may not be as important as developing a critical skill, collecting powerful tokens, or keeping damage low.

Whip icons allow those who have fallen behind to surge back into competition.

Charioteer is easy to learn. It can be played by bright kids as well as adults. Despite its accessibility, it is a game of skill. 


  • Author: Matt Calkins
  • Publisher and year of publication: GMT Games (2022)
  • Number of players: 2 - 6
  • Playing time: 60 - 120 min
  • Recommended age by publisher: 14+
  • Recommended age by players: 10+
  • Language and instructions: Angleško besedilo na kartah / Angleška pravila