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availability: In Stock
SKU: 5207

3 player game the rivalry between the 3 major Allies in World War II to both conclude the war & shape the post-war world: Britain, US & USSR.

Players must cooperate to defeat Germany, yet compete to further their individual agendas.

Represents the 10 conferences among the Big 3 from 1943-45. Each of the 10 conferences is essentially a "turn," with issues being nominated for disccusion at each conference (such as directed offensive, production priorities, strategic warfare, etc). Cards influence how the conference proceeds & is resolved. 🕊️


  • Author: Mark Herman
  • Publisher and year of publication: GMT Games, 2022
  • Number of players: 1 - 3
  • Playing time: 60 - 300 minut
  • Recommended age by publisher: 14+
  • Language and instructions: Angleško besedilo na kartah / Angleška pravila