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availability: In Stock
SKU: 4267

Resist! is a fast-playing, card-driven solitaire game in which you take on the role of the Spanish Maquis, fighting against the Francoist regime

Over a series of rounds, you undertake increasingly difficult missions, and completing missions earns you the points needed to win

Failing to defeat missions and enemies may cause you to lose

At the end of each round, you must choose whether to end the resistance or risk it and take on another mission

While Resist! does have some minor deck-building elements, it is primarily a "deck-destruction" game in which you have to manage your deck, balancing the decision of defeating the immediate threat with trying to move on to the next mission



  • Author: Trevor Benjamin, Roger Tankersley, David Thompson (I)
  • Publisher and year of publication: 25th Century Games (2023)
  • Number of players: 1 - 1
  • Playing time: 20 - 40 min
  • Recommended age by publisher: 10+
  • Recommended age by players: 10+
  • Language and instructions: Angleško besedilo na kartah / Angleška pravila